
I’m a wannabe motoring journalist who lives in the glorious county of Lancashire, England.

I’m studying for a BA (Hons) in Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston, graduating in 2011. I like writing and driving. As such, I’d like to be a motoring journalist. This goal was made more reachable after I entered (and won) the the Sir William Lyons Award 2008 (sponsored by Jaguar Cars) – an award promoted by the Guild of Motoring Writers. If you want to be a motoring journalist too, I suggest you enter it.

Over summer 2009 I did the Institute of Advanced Motorists’ “Skill for Life” course, passing my test on 21 September 2009. This has resulted in two things. Firstly, I’ve improved as a driver. Secondly, I’m now a far more pedantic passenger.

This is my main blog where I write mostly about cars and driving. My other blog, mrpeteradams.wordpress.com, is where you’ll find the more random and trivial pieces of writing.

Please also note that I will write about other things too, depending on what inspires me or angers me. This may include topics ranging from my respect for a good quality ale, to my love/hate relationship with buses.

If you want to know what I sound like, I, and four other good men, present Man Banter every Friday, 3-4pm on UCLan’s Student Union radio station, Frequency Radio. However, please do not ever threaten to play a recording of the show back to me. If you do, I will plunge my two index fingers into my ears, run to the furthest corner of the room, and shout until the playback of my voice is stopped.

All comments (within reason) are appreciated on my posts; so if you have any thoughts or, in particular, advice to offer please do get in touch.


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